🚪Before you leave the studio

Know how to access your video content

All the videos you record today will be processed and available to download and share to MediaSpace.

📼pageAccessing your videos

Log out of the control panel tablet

These are public computers, so you will want to log out after you're done with your recording. Log out of the control panel and any websites you've used on the Wacom montior.

🖥️pageUsing the Wacom monitor

Do NOT turn off the hardware

This is a public service and so we've configured it to reset when you log out. Rest assured that we've reset the studio for the next happy user. Please do not turn off the Wacom monitor, the control panel tablet, or any of the computers that are on the server rack.

Turn off the lights

Most of our studios have on air lights that lets others know that someone is currently recording. That light is controlled by the studio lights. So, when you leave, please turn off the lights so the next guest knows that they can come in without interrupting a recording session.

Last updated